密码安全软件 KeePass Password Safe 2.55 中文多语免费版

KeePass Password Safe 密码安全软件 小编ArKGM也用过不少的密码管理软件了,对其功能的要求也越来越高 – 这类软件密码管理功能大同小异,至于各类加密算法更不是我等菜鸟能明白的,只要不是低级到用明文保存,我想一般人也就够用了。因此其附加功能就成了选择使用的亮点。今天大眼仔向大家介绍的这款密码管理新秀 – KeePass 密码保险箱,就是凭其独特的功能让我“一旦拥有、别无所求”的,相信经过我的介绍,你也会喜欢上它的。


KeePass Password Safe 中文版

KeePass 是什么?

KeePass Password Safe 是一款免费、开源、轻量级且易于使用的密码管理器,适用于 Windows、Linux 和 Mac OS X,具有适用于 Android、iPhone/iPad 和其他移动设备的端口。 有这么多密码需要记住,并且需要更改密码以保护您的宝贵数据,让 KeePass 以安全的方式管理您的密码真是太好了。 KeePass 将您的所有密码放入高度加密的数据库中,并使用一个主密钥或密钥文件锁定它们。 因此,您只需记住一个主密码或选择密钥文件即可解锁整个数据库。 并且数据库使用目前已知的最好和最安全的加密算法 AES 和 Twofish 进行加密。 有关详细信息,请参阅我们的功能页面。

为什么选择 KeePass?


KeePass 特色

强大的安全性(AES 加密、SHA-256 哈希、防止字典和猜测攻击、内存保护等)。
便携式(无需安装),适用于多种平台(Windows、Linux、Mac OS X、智能设备/手机等)。
可扩展(插件架构)和多语言(超过 40 种语言可用)。

KeePass 中文设置

安装后复制 Chinese_Simplified.lngx 到安装目录中找 Language 文件夹。打开应用程序后在 View – Change language 后保存重启即可。

KeePass 许可证

GNU 通用公共许可证 v2


Changes from 2.54 to 2.55:
New Features:
Added ‘Compare Entries’ command (in the main menu ‘Entry’ → ‘Compare’), which compares the two entries that are selected in the main entry list.
Added ‘Mark Entry for Comparison’ and ‘Compare Entry with Marked Entry’ commands (in the main menu ‘Entry’ → ‘Compare’); these two commands support comparing two entries that are stored in different databases (opened in tabs).
Report dialogs can now be closed by pressing the Esc key.
Added option ‘Show warning when the key transformation settings are weak’ (in ‘Tools’ → ‘Options’ → tab ‘Security’, turned on by default).
The options in the entry/group duplication dialog are remembered now.
The options in the HTML export/print dialog are remembered now.
In dialogs that have a ‘Do not show this dialog again’ option and multiple commands, the command that will always be used when turning on the option is now mentioned in the dialog.
Added ‘More information’ link in the dialog that is displayed when KeePass automatically disables enforcement-requiring items.
Added {NEWPASSWORD:/#/P/O/} placeholder, which generates a new password for the current entry using the specified pattern P and the option(s) O.
Added accessible names for some controls (custom keystroke sequence edit control in the auto-type item dialog, filter edit control in report dialogs, a few controls in the password generator dialog; if the option ‘Optimize for screen reader’ is turned on).
Added ‘MasterKeyExpiryForce’ configuration setting.
Enhanced Google Chrome passwords CSV import module to support the new format.
Enhanced mSecure CSV import module to support the new format.
Enhanced 1Password 1PUX import module to support the new password field/type.
The toolbar in report dialogs is now a tab stop.
Increased default number of AES-KDF iterations.
Improved syntax highlighting for {CLIPBOARD-SET:…} placeholders (in the auto-type item editing dialog).
The node mode of the configuration element ‘/Configuration/Meta/PreferUserConfiguration’ is now ‘None’ by default.
Improved INI loading performance.
Improved data size formatting.
Renamed value columns/commands in the history entry comparison dialog from ‘A’/’B’ to ‘1’/’2′.
Improved process memory protection of history entry comparisons.
Improved process memory protection of ‘CryptoRandomStream’ objects.
Improved thread safety of process memory protection on Unix-like systems.
The MSI file is now built using Visual Studio 2022.
Various UI text improvements.
Various code optimizations.
Minor other improvements.
Searches using an XPath expression involving history entries now always regard all history entries.
KeePass now does not crash anymore when a plugin tries to upload a file to a server asynchronously.



