开源虚拟天文馆应用程序 Stellarium 23.3 x64 中文多语免费版

Stellarium 是一款开源免费的观星应用,用户可以通过它看到太阳系中恒星、星座和行星的名称和模式。用户可以搜索特定的物体,并查看星系的图形和图像。 Stellarium 是领先的开源天文馆,自 2000 年以来有超过 2000 万用户使用。

我们的目标是将 Stellarium(一个已经有 18 年历史的项目)升级为一个最先进的天文引擎,根据潜在的大量在线成像和天空物体目录提供精确的夜空模拟。我们还积极致力于将Stellarium移植到各种设备上,如手机、Web 浏览器和物联网设备。

自 2011 年以来,我们的主要产品,屡获殊荣的 StellariumMobilePlus 是领先的 iOS 和 Android 天文馆模拟应用程序之一。我们最近还发布了 StellariumWeb 的第一个版本,Stellarium 在 Web 浏览器中运行。


Stellarium 中文版

用于天体探测的交互式 3D 环境
只要您运行应用程序,它就会以全屏模式打开。 只需在天空上点击一下,您就可以获得目标物体的详细信息,即类型(例如星星、双星、与星云相关的星团)、星等、银河经度和纬度、视差、距离、光谱类型和角度。

这些物体可以用望远镜来观察,望远镜可以根据名称、焦距和直径来配置。 此外,您还可以在地图上选择一个位置,然后选择纬度、经度、海拔高度和国家/地区以跳转到该位置。

这个程序提供的一个有趣的功能是有可能回到过去,看到星座的位置和天空中的其他细节。 您只需要在专用对话框中设置日期和时间,Stellarium 就会自动生成该时段的投影。


Stellarium 允许用户选择投影模式(鱼眼、圆柱、墨卡托),查看来自不同世界位置的景观,并从ZIP档案中添加新的景观,了解不同的天空文化。


总而言之,Stellarium 提供了出色的图像质量和一系列功能,使其成为所有类型的用户的理想工具,好奇心足以找到更多关于星座和其他天体的信息。

Stellarium 许可证

GPL v2


What’s Changed
Full list of changes:
Added ability to define directory for observing lists (GH: #3165)
Added new plugin – “Missing Stars” (GH: #3399, #2998, #1907, #361, #116)
Added scriptable method and shortcut for toggle visibility the markers of selected objects
Added support smooth orbit lines (GH: #3371)
Added support drawing of orbits on open KeplerOrbits (GH: #3359)
Added patch to use qt.conf on windows via QtCreator (GH: #3345)
Added scalar versions of sRGB-linear conversions
Added option to add or exclude moon orbits for planets/selected objects (GH: #3348)
Added another option and StelApp method to allow storing config items immediately (GH: #3348)
Added new set of navigational stars: Soviet aviation
Added new set of navigational stars: Soviet/Russian manned space programs
Added new set of navigational stars: Vixen Starbook
Added new set of navigational stars: Argo Navis
Added new set of navigational stars: Orion Intelliscope
Added new set of navigational stars: Sky Commander
Added “is-waning” to planet info map
Added Skywatcher SynScan HC and Pro App alignment stars for Navigational Stars plugin (GH: #3327)
Added Meade Autostar 494/497 HC alignment stars for Navigational Stars plugin
Added set of navigational stars from Apollo space program for Navigational Stars plugin
Added show current location of object for AstroCalc/Ephemeris tool (GH: #3289, #2937)
Added missing timezone (GH: #3316)
Added support transparency for landscapes (GH: #3293, #3214)
Added discovery circumstances for comet P/2023 M1
Added CLI option for logfile name
Fixed blending DSO hints (GH: #3302)
Fixed type for Interstellar objects in Solar System Editor plugin
Fixed bad performance in Mac M1 (GH: #2947)
Fixed crash in Telescope Control plugin for Qt6-based packages (GH: #2874, #2821)
Fixed background color for artwork (GH: #3299)
Fixed handling Stellarium’ scripts on Macs
Fixed mistake in DSO catalog
Fixed a slow reaction with touchpad on Macs (GH: #2778)
Fixed missing translations
Fixed various typos (GH: #3411)
Fixed clarification on Spout in SUG (GH: #2922)
Fixed hiding splash when starting stellarium from a script (GH: #3407)
Fixed a logfile warning (GH: #3324)
Fixed location update with landscape in RemoteSync plugin (GH: #3274)
Fixed observing list import/export (GH: #3207, #3206)
Fixed error when downloading stars (GH: #3395)
Fixed link to supplemental TLE (default lists)
Fixed list of MSVC++ versions
Fixed moving to a NomenclatureItem location (GH: #3355)
Fixed the botched logic of storing details for the orbit drawing (GH: #1842, #3348)
Fixed overflow on bad implementations of tanh() (GH: #3351)
Fixed discrepancy between SUG and an Oculars tooltip (GH: #3346)
Fixed crash of Nav. Stars plugin (GH: #3341)
Fixed bug: avoid dereferencing null pointer
Fixed bug: prevent artifacts in limb darkening
Fixed computation of signed phase angle of a planet (GH: #3306)
Fixed the name of a uniform in a location query
Fixed FPS: restore minimizing fps when idle
Fixed crash Oculars plugin: Lens can potentially be a null pointer, so must not be dereferenced without a check (GH: #3322)
Fixed OpenSSL issue for Qt5-based packages for Windows (GH: #3321, #3326)
Fixed a DSO name confusion mentioned at Transifex
Fixed object search with HIP numbers
Fixed behavior of DitheringMode with QVariant in Qt5 (GH: #3307, #3304)
Fixed Qt5 build without PCH
Fixed restoration for default list of TLE source in Satellites plugin
Fixed handling Unicode in Telescope Control plugin (GH: #2934, #3301)
Fixed connection to a renamed signal in Telescope Control plugin
Fixed connections to renamed signals in RemoteSync plugin: this restores excluding features from synchronisation (GH: #3303)
Changed core: a tiny improvement for sorting data in Search Tool
Changed core: Reduce dumping cities for unknown timezones
Changed core: avoid recomputation of RTS at every frame (GH: #3275)
Changed core: preserve texture binding when rendering text (GH: #3356)
Changed core: improve text rendering quality (GH: #3353)
Changed core: show comets a bit less restrictively
Changed core: use optional “immediate save” for Nomenclature detail settings (GH: #3342)
Changed core: draw crater type NomenclatureItems (craters, Lunar maria, satellite features which AFAICS are always craters) as ellipse (GH: #3342)
Changed core: suppress forward scattering peak in the sky pseudo-reflection behind landscape
Changed core: reduce code duplication in xyYToRGB shader and updating the code
Changed core: enable stencil buffer in the main OpenGL surface format
Changed core: always use texture-based text rendering in StelPainter
Changed core: Turn dithering into a global post-processing effect (GH: #3335)
Changed core: Use GLSL 3.30 whenever OpenGL >= 3.3 is in use
Changed core: Move OpenGL 3.3 Core glfuncs() getter to StelOpenGL
Changed core: Explicitly choose texture unit in spherical mirror distorter
Changed core: Move InitFailure from AtmosphereShowMySky to the base class
Changed core: updated code for vector maths
Changed logger: cosmetic fixes for better reading the data
Changed NavStars plugin: simplifications
Changed RemoteSync plugin: Allow suppressing debug messages
Changed RemoteSync plugin: Allow finetuning of debug output
Changed RemoteSync plugin: Add useful diagnostic in case of problem
Changed Scenery3D plugin: changed logging type
Changed requirements: Qt 5.12 is minimal version now to building
Changes in Windows installer: using better compression algorithm
Updated SUG: Clarify that our J2000.0 coordinates include aberration. (GH: #3309)
Updated instructions for building planetarium from source code
Updated OnlineQueries plugin
Updated default list of satellites
Updated list of exoplanets
Updated discovery circumstances for minor planets
Updated comet discovery circumstances (GH: #3389)
Updated list of locations
Updated default settings for macOS bundle
Updated settings for doxygen (GH: #3390)
Updated plugins: Removed logically wrong code (unused by the fact)
Updated plugins: Switched to use static variables for sync visibility of stars labels
Updated Solar System Editor plugin
Updated ssystem_1000comets.ini file
Updated Espenak & Meeus DeltaT equation
Updated nomenclature data
Updated GUI: Disable dithering config GUI when dithering is not supported (GH: #3335)
Updated contact address in few sky cultures
Removed –fix-text option
Removed locales with translation progress lesser 1% per whole time
Removed outdated code for support the version of Qt prior 5.12
Removed fov options from RemoteSync plugin: is now StelMovementMgr.currentFov property (GH: #3303)


