开源免费便携的照片编辑器 PhotoDemon 9.0 绿色中文版

开源免费便携的照片编辑器 PhotoDemon 中文版由ArKGM发布。PhotoDemon 中文版提供了一个 13 MB 大小的综合照片编辑器。 它可以在任何 Windows PC(XP 到 Win 11)上运行,并且不需要安装。 您可以从 USB 移动设备、SD 卡或便携式驱动器运行它。


PhotoDemon 中文版

是什么让 PhotoDemon 与众不同?

不提供或不需要安装程序。除了临时文件夹(您可以在“工具”>“选项”菜单中指定)之外,PhotoDemon 不会在您的硬盘上留下任何痕迹。许多用户从 USB 记忆棒或 microSD 卡运行 PhotoDemon。

可以将复杂的编辑动作记录为宏(类似于 Office 软件)。内置批处理器可让您将宏应用到整个图像文件夹。

许多开源照片编辑器是可用性的噩梦。 PhotoDemon 尽量不要。实时效果预览、保存/加载所有工具上的预设、无限制的撤消/重做、“淡入淡出最后一个动作”、键盘加速器、鼠标滚轮和 X 按钮支持以及描述性图标等小触摸使其快速且易于使用。

广泛的文件格式支持,包括 Adobe Photoshop (PSD)、Corel PaintShop Pro (PSP) 和所有主要的相机 RAW 格式
色彩管理工作流程,包括对嵌入式 ICC 配置文件的全面支持
当前版本中提供了 200 多个工具。

对 Corel Paintshop Pro(psp、pspimage)图像的全面导入和导出支持,包括许多文本和矢量图层功能。
对全新 AVIF 文件格式的全面导入和导出支持,c/o 开源 libavif 库。 AVIF 文件支持非常复杂(现有的编码器和解码器应用程序几乎是 PhotoDemon 的 3 倍!)并且它们仅适用于 64 位系统,因此 PhotoDemon 默认不提供这些库。如果您尝试打开或保存 AVIF 文件,PhotoDemon 将为您提供下载 libavif 的本地副本。
对动画 WebP 图像的全面导入和导出支持,包括从 PhotoDemon 的内置屏幕录像机工具直接导出到动画 WebP(工具 > 动画屏幕截图)
对无损 QOI(“相当不错的图像”)文件的全面导入和导出支持。
对 SVG 和 SVGZ 图像的全面导入支持,由开源 resvg 库提供
对无损 JPEG (JPEG-LS) 图像的全面导入支持,由开源 CharLS 库提供
对漫画书档案 (CBZ) 图像的全面导入支持。
对 Symbian(mbm、aif)图像的全面导入支持
全新的 GIF 导入和导出引擎,包括新的一流 GIF 优化器。
新的神经网络颜色量化器可在保存为 256 色图像格式(如 GIF 或网络优化的 PNG)时获得最高质量的结果。 (新的量化器也可以从效果 > 风格化 > 调色工具直接访问。)

得益于 spetric 的 Photoshop-Plugin-Host 库,对 Photoshop 效果插件(“8bf”,仅限 32 位)的新支持。
新效果 > 扭曲 > Droste 工具,这样你就可以引导你内心的 M.C.埃舍尔
新效果 > 渲染 > Truchet Tiles 工具
新效果 > 动画菜单,包括新的前景和背景效果(用于自动将背景或前景应用到动画图像)
新效果 > 边缘 > 渐变流动工具
大大改进和加速效果 > 艺术 > 彩色玻璃和效果 > 像素化 > 结晶工具

新的调整 > 颜色 > 颜色查找工具,内置支持 Photoshop 附带的所有 3D LUT 格式(立方体、外观、3dl)和高性能四面体插值,以获得一流的质量
新调整 > 照明 > 除雾工具
大修调整 > 曲线工具,具有改进的性能和新的用户界面
完全重新设计的调整 > 颜色 > 照片滤镜工具,以更好地匹配 Photoshop 中的相同工具
调整 > 单色工具现在使用 Otsu 的方法,以在将图像缩小为两种颜色时提高对比度。
全新的选择工具引擎,包括对合并选择的全面支持。所有选择工具都支持新的“添加”、“减去”和“相交”组合模式。此外,新的画布选择渲染器会自动突出显示复合选择的选定区域。 (每个选择工具面板上都提供了其他新的渲染 UI 功能)。
完全重新设计的图像 > 调整大小工具,具有实时交互式预览、12 种不同的重采样过滤器、内存大小估计、用户可调整大小的对话框、进度条更新等。新工具是为 PhotoDemon 定制的,它具有非常低的内存要求、出色的性能和零第三方依赖。 (图层 > 调整大小工具也接收所有这些新功能!)
新图层 > 替换工具,用于使用剪贴板或任意图像文件中的数据快速替换现有图层。
大修图像 > 裁剪工具,包括在裁剪后保留可编辑文本图层的新支持(而不是光栅化它们)。

新的工具面板设计比以往占用更少的空间,同时仍然提供对 PhotoDemon 的所有高级画布工具功能的一键访问。 (这也使 PhotoDemon 能够成功地工作到 1024×768 的屏幕分辨率 – 支持比以前版本的应用程序更旧的硬件的罕见情况!)
更快的应用启动时间,尤其是在 Windows 10 上
如果系统重新启动中断您的工作,PhotoDemon 现在可以自动恢复您之前的会话。
在向/从 Google Chrome 复制/粘贴时改进了剪贴板支持

PhotoDemon 不是为 Microsoft Windows 以外的操作系统设计的。像 Wine 这样的兼容层可能允许它在 macOS、Linux 或 BSD 系统上工作,但这些配置不受官方支持。

由于其便携性,PhotoDemon 仅作为 32 位应用程序提供。 (这意味着它无法加载或保存大于~2 GB 的图像。)

PhotoDemon 许可证

PhotoDemon 是 BSD 许可的。 如果您提供适当的归属,这允许您在任何商业或其他应用程序中使用其源代码。 正确归属包括版权声明和免责声明。

PhotoDemon 使用一些 3rd-party 开源库。 这些库位于 /App/PhotoDemon/Plugins 文件夹中。 这些库有自己的许可证,与 PhotoDemon 分开。

您可以通过 Patreon 或一次性捐赠来支持 PhotoDemon 的持续发展。


What’s new in PhotoDemon 9.0
September 12, 2022
Full list of changes by category
Those are some of the biggest improvements coming to PhotoDemon 9.0, but they are far from the only ones. (I haven’t even gotten to new effects yet!)
It would take too long to discuss every new feature at this same level of detail, so here is an abbreviated list of other highlights in the 9.0 beta.
New Effects > Light and shadow > Bump map tool.
New Effects > Distort > Droste tool, so you can channel your inner M.C. Escher.
New Effects > Render > Truchet Tiles tool.
New Effects > Animation menu, including new Foreground and Background effects (for automatically applying a background or foreground layer to an animated image) and an Animation speed effect (for permanently modifying playback speed).
New Effects > Edge > Gradient flow tool
Greatly improved Effects > Transform > Perspective tool, with new live preview support and precision control for corner coordinates.
Greatly improved and accelerated Effects > Artistic > Stained Glass and Effects > Pixelate > Crystallize tools
New Adjustments > Lighting > Dehaze tool, for recovering photos marred by haze or fog.
Overhauled Adjustments > Curves tool, with improved performance and a new UI.
Completely redesigned Adjustments > Color > Photo filter tool, to better match Photoshop’s implementation.
Otsu’s method is now used by the Adjustments > Monochrome tool, for improved contrast when reducing an image to two colors.
New Adjustments > Color > Color lookup tool, with built-in support for all 3D LUT formats that ship with Photoshop (cube, look, 3dl) and high-performance tetrahedral interpolation for best-in-class quality.
All photo adjustments (in any combination) can now be exported to standalone 3D LUT files, enabling use of your favorite PhotoDemon adjustments in other software.
PhotoDemon now ships with a default set of public-domain 3D LUTs.
File formats:
Comprehensive import and export support for Corel Paintshop Pro (psp, pspimage) images, including many text and vector layer features.
Comprehensive import support for GIMP XCF images, including full coverage for all color modes, precisions (integer and float), and XCF versions. GZ-compressed XCF files are also supported.
Comprehensive import and export support for the brand-new AVIF file format, c/o the open-source libavif library. AVIF file support is incredibly complex (the stock encoder+decoder apps are 3x larger than PhotoDemon!) and they are only available for 64-bit systems, so PhotoDemon does not ship these libraries by default. If you attempt to open or save an AVIF file, PhotoDemon offers to download and configure a portable copy of libavif.
Comprehensive import and export support for animated WebP images, including direct export from PhotoDemon’s built-in screen recording tool (Tools > Animated screen capture).
Comprehensive import and export support for lossless QOI (“quite OK image”) files.
Comprehensive import support for SVG and SVGZ images, c/o the open-source resvg library
Comprehensive import support for lossless JPEG (JPEG-LS) images, c/o the open-source CharLS library
Comprehensive import support for Comic Book Archive (CBZ) images.
Comprehensive import support for Symbian (mbm, aif) images
All-new GIF import and export engines, including a new best-in-class GIF optimizer that works with both static and animated GIFs.
New neural-network color quantizer for maximum-quality results when saving to 256-color image formats, like GIF or web-optimized PNGs. (The new quantizer is also directly accessible from the Effects > Stylize > Palettize tool.)
Safe overwrite behavior is now the default for all file formats. (When saving over a file that already exists, PhotoDemon will save to a temporary file, validate the temporary file’s correctness after the save completes, and only then replace the old copy with the new one.)
Image and Layer tools:
All-new selection tool engine, including full support for multiple selections. All selection tools support new “Add”, “Subtract”, and “Intersect” combine modes. In addition, a new canvas selection renderer automatically highlights the merged region of composite selections. (Other new rendering UI features are available on each selection toolpanel).
New Edit > Content-aware fill (and corresponding Select > Heal selected area) tools can intelligently remove objects from photos. Just select the object you want to remove, then click the menu to remove it!
Completely redesigned Image > Resize tool, with real-time interactive previews, 12 different resampling filters, memory size estimations, a user-resizable dialog, progress bar updates, and more. The new tool was custom-built for PhotoDemon, and it has very low memory requirements, excellent performance, and zero 3rd-party dependencies. (The Layer > Resize tool also receives these improvements!)
New Layer > Replace tools, for quickly replacing an existing layer with data from the clipboard or any arbitrary image file.
Overhauled Image > Crop tool, including new support for retaining editable text layers after cropping (instead of rasterizing them).
The Advanced text tool provides a new “stretch to fit” option, which automatically sizes the font to fit within the text layer’s current boundaries.
New lock aspect ratio toggle on the Move/Size tool.
New Edit > Stroke and Edit > Fill tools allow you to easily trace the active selection outline (or fill its interior) with custom pens or brushes.
Batch processor:
New support for preserving folder structure when batch processing images from a complex folder tree.
New support for batch processing animated image formats (GIF, PNG, WebP).
User interface:
A new compact toolpanel design requires less on-screen space, while still providing one-click access to all of PhotoDemon’s advanced tool features. (This also enables PhotoDemon to successfully work all the way down to 1024×768 screen resolutions – a rare case of supporting even older hardware than previous versions!)
Adjustment and Effect dialogs are no longer fixed-size – you can freely resize them at run-time, and the preview area will resize accordingly.
Adjustment and Effect tools now have built-in Undo/Redo on each dialog.
Faster app startup time, particularly on Windows 10 and 11.
PhotoDemon can now automatically restore your previous session if a system reboot interrupts.
Improved localization tools, including automated matching against other open-source translations, provide a significantly improved experience for non-EN-US locales.
Improved clipboard support when copy/pasting to/from Google Chrome.
New background image compressor greatly reduces memory usage when working with multiple images at once.
Similarly, a new run-time resource minimizer for UI elements makes PhotoDemon – already among the lightest photo editors – even lighter on system resources.
PhotoDemon’s Window menu now displays a list of open images for immediate access to any open image (even if you’ve disabled the image tabstrip).
Expanded “convenience” buttons in the Layer Toolbox, including new Shift+Click behavior (see button tooltips).
An expanded hotkey selection better matches Photoshop and other popular photo editors.
Recent image and macro files will now appear in search results from PhotoDemon’s built-in search tool (Ctrl+F).
These are just the highlights of version 9.0. For an exhaustive list of changes, visit the project’s commit log.
(This release represents more than 1700 intermediary builds, so there are a lot of improvements, large and small, across nearly every aspect of the project.)


