多显示器管理工具 DisplayFusion Pro 9.7 中文多语免费版

DisplayFusion 9.7 中文版 多显示器管理工具由ArKGM分享网发布。DisplayFusion 中文版是一款多显示器管理工具,如果你使用双显示器,那么可能会遇到这样一个问题:如何给两个显示器设置使用不同的墙纸。或者,如果两个甚至更多显示器的分辨率和纵横比都各不相同,如何让同一张墙纸在不同显示器上获得最完美的显示方式。如果单纯借助 Windows 本身的功能,这些目的并不好实现,不过好在有软件可以解决这一难题。那就是 DispayFusion,其实除了用更个性化的方式设置墙纸外,该软件的多显示器窗口管理功能也很出色,例如只要用拖动的方式,就可以将一个已经被最大化的窗口在不同显示器之间拖动(正常情况下,在 Windows 中,最大化的窗口是无法实现这一操作的)。或者通过窗口吸附功能,让距离显示器边沿达到预定像素数距离之后,自动吸附到当前显示器的边沿。


DisplayFusion 中文版

DisplayFusion 功能:

DisplayFusion 可以让您的多显示器环境更易用。通过 多显示器任务栏、标题栏按钮,以及完全可定制的热键等强大功能,DisplayFusion 让多显示器的管理工作更简单。看看下面列举的部分功能,了解 DisplayFusion 能帮您做什么!


DisplayFusion 包含强大的墙纸功能,可供您使用您计算机中的图片,或通过在线源直接加载。标题、搜索、缩放、裁剪、定位,以及 色调调整,完全如您所需。

DisplayFusion 内置超过 30 种预配置的功能,您还可以创建自定义的自定义功能。通过创建功能即可加载墙纸或显示器配置文件,四处移动窗口,更改窗口透明度,切换 DisplayFusion 的功能,此外还能做到更多。 任何功能,包括您创建的自定义功能都可以分配标题栏按钮,借此即可实现更快捷的鼠标访问,惯用键盘的用户也可以分配自定义的键盘快捷键。功能还可以分配给 DisplayFusion 多显示器任务栏的跳转列表菜单,这样就可以在应用程序最小化的状态下直接运行。

使用 DisplayFusion 设置您的监视器配置。配置分辨率、色深、刷新率,以及方向。您甚至可以将配置保存为显示器配置文件,随后即可使用热键或标题栏按钮直接加载。将墙纸配置文件与您的显示器配置文件链接在一起,即可根据您所连接的显示器自动加载桌面墙纸。5.1 新功能: 分割监视器允许您将屏幕划分成多个「虚拟」屏幕含自己的任务栏、壁纸和屏幕保护。 支持 Nvidia Surround 和 AMD Eyefinity 设定!

强大 Windows 8 调整
DisplayFusion 的 Windows 8 调整额外选项,以便可以自定义 Windows 8。 忽略开始界面直接进入桌面,移动 [Power User] 菜单 (Win + X) 到当前鼠标指针位置,传送 “Metro” Apps 到桌面窗口,以及更多!

DisplayFusion 的窗口吸附功能使得您可以更容易将窗口对其放置,或者让多个窗口靠近显示器边框排列。只要将窗口拖拽到显示器或其他窗口的边缘,然后松开鼠标按键,即可让 DisplayFusion 将窗口吸附到这个位置。该功能包含丰富的配置选项,如果需要还可以排除指定的程序。

使用 DisplayFusion 的窗口管理功能在您的显示器之间轻松移动窗口。无论您使用简单的中键点击移动,或更高级的最大化窗口拖拽,您桌面窗口的管理都未能如此简单。您甚至可以在移动或调整窗口大小时看到桌面提示,帮您对窗口进行更精确的定位。5.1 新功能: 自动移动子对话框和窗口到上层窗口相同的监视器。 鼠标管理选项允许您以鼠标滚轮卷动非作用中窗口、在屏幕边缘循环鼠标光标、和防止鼠标光标固定在未对齐的屏幕边缘。


Windows 登录背景
使用 DisplayFusion 强大的 Windows 登录背景图像更改程序对您的登录界面进行定制。从您的计算机中选择图片,或者使用 DisplayFusion 所支持的任何在线来源选择。对图片的位置和颜色(灰度、褐色调等)进行定制,充分满足您的需求。

为何只满足于在主显示器上显示的一个屏幕保护?通过使用 DisplayFusion,您可以让屏幕保护跨越所有显示器,甚至可以在每个显示器上显示不同的屏幕保护。您可以使用默认的 Windows 屏幕保护,或加载自定义的屏幕保护,让您的桌面更加个性化。

使用 DisplayFusion 的桌面图标配置文件功能轻松保存并加载您的桌面图标布局。用简单的方法加载之前保存的桌面图标配置文件,即可在添加或删除显示器导致图标排列混乱后,轻松还原为您熟悉的桌面图标布局。

通过使用 DisplayFusion 的静默安装选项,在您的企业环境中轻松部署并管理 DisplayFusion,并可将自定义 ADMX 模版用于 Active Directory 组策略环境。自定义 ADMX 模版可供您确保所有工作站 DisplayFusion 设置的一致,并可更容易进行管理与排错。

DisplayFusion 支持多种语言,并且还在继续增加新的语言。用您惯用的语言使用 DisplayFusion,使得您更容易理解并使用每个功能。


DisplayFusion Change Log 9.7 • June 24, 2020
Note: This version updates some values in Window Position Profiles. It will automatically backup the settings before doing so, and if you run into any trouble, please let us know.
Change: Auto-Updater now uses a different method to launch the installer
Change: Added a filter box to the Window Position Profile edit window
Change: Removed the Aero Colour Mode option, as it causes performance issues in Windows 10
Change: Wallpaper Image Info text no longer trims blank lines at the start or end of the info
Change: Removed the last bit of the Windows version number from Wallpaper Image Info because Windows doesn’t accurately provide it
Change: New wallpaper source: Google Earth View
Change: Google Photos login is now done in external browser, you’ll need to re-login after updating to this version
Change: WallHaven wallpaper source will now choose from most recent 100 (instead of 25) when loading a new image
Change: You can now right-click a monitor in Monitor Config to manually enter position values
Change: New “if-and-only-if” operator for BFTextQuery, used for Match Conditions in Trigger rules (e.g. ==Downloads in the Window Text condition will only match the window title if it has the word Downloads and no other text)
Change: Added a new option to ignore minimized windows when loading Window Position Profiles
Change: Added the ability to filter the list on the Settings > Window Position Profiles tab
Change: Scripted Function engine improvements
Change: New Function: Restore Window Positions from Last Save (ignore minimized)
Change: New Function: Mirror Monitor with Splits
Change: New Function: Mirror Monitor with Splits (no border)
Change: New Scripting Function: BFS.Input.SendKeysWithoutWait
Change: New Scripting Function: BFS.DisplayFusion.MirrorMonitorNoBorder
Change: New Scripting Function: BFS.DisplayFusion.MirrorSelectedAreaNoBorder
Change: New Scripting Function: BFS.DisplayFusion.MirrorWindowNoBorder
Change: New Advanced Setting: Monitor Configuration: Force Primary Monitor ID
Change: New Advanced Setting: Taskbar: Keep Microsoft Teams on DisplayFusion Taskbar When Minimized
Change: New Advanced Setting: Taskbar: Accent Colour Override
Change: New Advanced Setting: Troubleshooting: Send Custom Data with Crash Reports
Change: New Advanced Setting: Window Management: Offset Window Move/Size ToolTips
Change: New Advanced Setting: Taskbar: Disable Show Desktop on Hover
Change: New Advanced Setting: General: ListView Background Colour Override
Change: New Advanced Setting: General: ListView Foreground Colour Override
Fix: Resolved a monitor order issue for functions on some machines
Fix: Resolved many “Error 87” failures with Monitor Configuration/Profiles (if you still get them after updating to this version, try re-saving the affected Monitor Profile)
Fix: NVIDIA helper processes now disabled correctly with DCH drivers when using monitor splitting
Fix: Resolved an issue where some monitors were not being detected
Fix: Desktop window gets refreshed after loading a Monitor Profile now to resolve any weirdness with desktop icons
Fix: Citrix Virtual App (XenApp) windows now constrain to splits
Fix: Questrade app now works with Monitor Splitting
Fix: Resolved an issue where Royal TS wasn’t maximizing to splits
Fix: Monitor Selector now works correctly with scaling + many Monitor Splits
Fix: Windows now maximize fully when split monitor taskbar is disabled with “Position > Disabled”
Fix: BFS.Monitor.GetMonitorWorkAreas scripting function now returns the correct values
Fix: Monitor selector overlay no longer turns black when dragging a window
Fix: Auto-Update dialog will no longer show if a full screen window is detected
Fix: Titlebar Button app compatibility improvements
Fix: TitleBar Buttons now aligned correctly on SnagIt 2020
Fix: Titlebar Buttons now show up on Microsoft Teams window when maximized
Fix: TitleBar Buttons now correctly hide behind context menus and on Chrome on setups that had many TitleBar Buttons enabled
Fix: TitleBar Buttons no longer cover the search button in Opera
Fix: “Windows Key Opens Secondary Start Menu” Advanced Setting now works correctly in Windows 10
Fix: Start button no longer stuck behind taskbar for 2 seconds with Monitor Fading and auto-hide enabled
Fix: Start menu now moves to correct monitor in latest Windows 10 Insider build
Fix: Start menu now moves to correct monitor in non-English Windows
Fix: Windows 10 Task View no longer hangs when DisplayFusion is running
Fix: Taskbar icons for UWP apps are now correct in the latest Windows 10 updates
Fix: Taskbar no longer blinks in front of Monitor Fading overlay
Fix: Chrome “app” windows now pin correctly to the DisplayFusion taskbar
Fix: Resolved an issue where taskbars on other monitors were forced to the bottom if there was a full screen window on a different monitor
Fix: Microsoft Teams taskbar button now gets removed when it’s closed to the tray
Fix: Clicking Process Hacker tray icon now shows the popup correctly
Fix: Hovering Show Desktop on the DF taskbar no longer causes Aero Peek to fade in/out every second
Fix: API update for Digital Blasphemy wallpaper source
Fix: Resolved an issue with Unsplash, Facebook, Reddit, and Dropbox wallpaper providers
Fix: Wallpaper Image Info for Bing Desktop source now gets the correct description
Fix: Wallpaper Image Info text no longer sits under the taskbar with Monitor Splitting enabled
Fix: Functions are no longer delayed when run
Fix: Compatibility fixes for “Dissenter” browser
Fix: Resolved an issue where Windows would show more than one entry for DisplayFusion in the taskbar notification area settings
Fix: Window Position Profiles and Trigger rules now work correctly with Citrix Published Apps
Fix: Window Position Profiles now restore windows correctly when they’re restored to a monitor with a different scaling level
Fix: Window Position Profile values are now consistent with Triggers and Custom Functions when saving, DF will auto-adjust existing profiles
Fix: Window Position Profiles will ignore Citrix Window Class in cases where the class is random for every new window
Fix: Restore Window Positions from Last Save function now remembers windows that are maximized to the full monitor in splitting setups
Fix: Mirror Window function can now scale the window larger than the original window
Fix: Resolved many issues with window positioning when using Functions
Fix: Windows no longer have gaps around the edges when using Functions or monitor splitting on multi-DPI systems
Fix: Monitor overlay no longer shows when dragging windows that can’t be maximized
Fix: Drop-down menus on websites in Chrome no longer get moved by Trigger rules
Fix: Trigger rules with Window Text condition now have a 150 ms delay added to allow for things like page titles and file names to load before checking for a match
Fix: SlimJet browser no longer moves both windows to the next monitor when tearing out a tab
Fix: Window Snapping should now be smoother and more reliable
Fix: Resolved an issue preventing you from switching from the trial key to free version before the trial is expired
Fix: Resolved an issue where Auto Update policy setting wouldn’t be correctly read in some cases
Fix: No longer tries to hook Norton Security
Fix: Resolved a micro-stutter issue that was happening approximately every 5 seconds on some systems
Fix: Blacklisted hidden PowerToys window from Alt+Tab Handler


